Greetings from Michael Harding fans to anyone who visits this website! Here we try to create a special atmosphere and give old and new fans the taste of high-quality music. We decided it was just about the time to create a special website to let people read more about us.

Here on our site you will find all the up-to-date official information about our favorite band, its every member (but especially Micheal Harding), our producers, all the people who help us, and of course dedicated to the fans. Every band operates due to hundreds of people working along with it, and we think it’s time the fans learn about them.

Also, here you will find the information about past, current, and future projects, singles, albums, and concerts. All the info is posted fresh to give the people who are interested some time to read and decide whether to buy a CD or to go to a concert. You also get tons of tips on singing and teaching your child how to sing or how to play an instrument. Finally, you get tips you definitely haven’t heard before, like the positive effects an indoor fountain can have on your singing,

We also have a newsletter to inform our permanent readers and fans about everything going on within the band. If you don’t have time to check out the website every now and then, you can always subscribe to the newsletter and get everything you should know in one letter.

On the Home page you will find all the basics about the band and highlights of the latest news. In our Blog section, you will be able to read some informational articles about Micheal, past and upcoming concerts and tours. Our staff will also post some pictures there, so don’t miss special posts with tiny galleries in them.

If you want to cooperate with us or just tell us something, please use the Contact Us page. There you will find our address, phone number, email, working hours of our office, and a special form to fill for direct contact. We will be waiting for your calls and letters!